Providing Expert & Trusted Sales, Full Service, and Complete Support for all major brands of Phone & VOIP & Computer Network systems nation wide! (800) TEL-MOVE or (800) 835-6683 sales@telmove.com
What's on your desk?

New System Sales - We engineer & design it RIGHT! At the lowest price GUARANTEED!
We design & engineer the best system configuration for your needs at the GUARANTED lowest price with the best providers.
Services Including:
*Configuring, coordination, order processing, installation management of service providers.
*Phone lines, local, long distance, toll free
services, etc.
*Internet service, EOC, Fiber, Cable, Microwave, Satallite, Wireless, etc.
*Cloud and hosted services for all cloud applications
*Phone systems, voice mail, Computer network wiring, warehouse paging systems, etc.
*Computer room installations - Racks, enclosures, patch panels, data & POE switches, routers, firewalls, etc.
*Complete ongoing service & support for all products & services including backups & archive services
*Annual review to ensure that you have the most up to date and cost effective solution in these ever changing times.

TELMOVE provides FULL Service at the GUARANTEED lowest price !
We do it all when it comes to business phone & computer network systems.
From designing a brand new installation from the ground up to taking over an existing system - we do it all!
Take over an existing system - We manage and support it RIGHT!
We service and support your existing system.
Services Including:
*Evaluate & manage existing service providers.
*Phone lines, local, long distance, toll free
services, etc.
*Internet service, EOC, Fiber, Cable, Microwave, Satallite, Wireless, etc.
*Cloud and hosted services for all cloud applications
*Evaluate & manage existing phone systems, voice mail, Computer network wiring, warehouse paging systems, etc.
*Evaluate & manage existing computer room - Racks, enclosures, patch panels, data & POE switches, routers, firewalls, etc.
*Evaluate & manage existing ongoing service & support for all products & services including backups & archive services
*Provide equipment expansion/migration, software & firmware upgrades, system repairs, etc.
*Annual review to ensure that you have the most up to date and cost effective solution in these ever changing times.

Ongoing support 24/7/365 - We add, move, change, program, repair, upgrade, migrate it RIGHT!
We support and maintain your systems to ensure that they are running trouble free!
Services Including:
*Adds, moves, changes, repairs, evaluate & manage existing service providers.
*Phone lines, local, long distance, toll free
services, etc.
*Internet service, EOC, Fiber, Cable, Microwave, Satallite, Wireless, etc.
*Cloud and hosted services for all cloud applications
*Evaluate & manage existing phone systems, voice mail, Computer network wiring, warehouse paging systems, etc.
*Evaluate & manage existing computer room - Racks, enclosures, patch panels, data & POE switches, routers, firewalls, etc.
*Evaluate & manage existing ongoing service & support for all products & services including backups & archive services
*Provide equipment expansion/migration/upgrades, software & firmware upgradse, system repairs, etc.
*Annual review to ensure that you have the most up to date and cost effective solution in these ever changing times.